Below are organic chemistry and medicinal chemistry resources we use daily to further our research.
ACS Organic Chemistry Data & Info
One-stop website that has everything from reaction information to protocols to analytical data
Organic Chemistry Portal
Provides outlines and mechanisms, as well as literature examples, of major named reactions
Search engine for chemicals, reactions, literature, methods, just to name a few
Chemical database to find information by name or structure, and provides references, properties, and other data
Chemistry By Design
Educational site to get familiar with many common building blocks used in synthetic chemistry and drug construction
Database for synthesis sequences with methods outlined in full to achieve a target molecule
Put in any keyword and Read will show all recently published papers with that keyword; useful to see recent developments around a topic
Not Voodoo X.4
Provides basic information as well as tips and tricks for common laboratory procedures
Harvard Chem 115 Handouts
Handouts from Harvard Chemistry 115 outlining topics taught in the introductory organic chemistry course; courtesy various authors
RCSB Protein Data Bank
Archive providing 3D structures of characterized proteins, nucleic acids, and complex assemblies to aid in drug target analysis
Total Synthesis
YouTube channel providing total synthesis walkthroughs of various relevant compounds
AlphaFold Protein Structure Database
Database providing protein structure predictions for the entire human proteome, as well as the proteome of 20 other commonly studied species